Understanding Sexual Offending  

JSB Forensic Practice presents a one day intensive training event at the Oddfellows Hall, Stafford with Johanna Simpson Blake, Principal Chartered Forensic Psychologist & DC Mark Blandford, Public Protection Unit, Stafford,

October 5th, or December 7th 2006

Objective: The training will provide participants with a fuller understanding of the risk factors related to sexual offending behaviour, risk assessment, risk reduction and risk management measures applied within prison and the Community [MAPPA].

Training includes:


Modern theories related to sexual offending pathways
Developmental factors and victim to perpertrator transmission
Identifying risk factors
Risk assessment [strengths and weaknesses]
Using static and dynamic risk assessment to inform decision making
Case studies
Evidence based treatment models
Managing sexual offenders in prison
MAPPA legislation [Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements] and civil orders used to manage, prevent and restrict sex offenders in the community
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